Directions to Kaprun

Directions to Kaprun

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Coming from Germany
it’s best to take the A1 motorway Munich – Salzburg, exit at Siegsdorf, drive through Saalfelden and pass Zell am See, after Zell am See direction Mittersill, approx. 5 km after Zell am See take the turnoff to Kaprun.


Coming from Italy
it’s best to take the motorway direction Salzburg, exit at Bischofshofen direction Zell am See, shortly before Zell am See direction Kaprun. Aprrox. 4 km after this turnoff you get to a roundabout on the main road in Fürth, you then take the road direction Kaprun, approx. 2 km.


Coming from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary,...
it’s best to take the A1 motorway from Vienna direction Salzburg, exit at Bischofshofen direction Zell am See, turn left shortly before Zell am See direction Kaprun. Approx. 4 km after this turnoff you get to a roundabout on the main road in Fürth, you than take the road direction Kaprun, approx. 2 km.